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Mushroom Cups

Ultimate starter paket refužo

Ultimate starter paket refužo

€38,70 €77,20

✅ 100% guaranteed 30-day money back

  1. GO SHARP Mushroom Coffee - With Lion's Mane & Chanterelle
    for Learning and Memory
    10 servings    (original price 15.70

  2. GO GLOW Mushroom Coffee - With Chaga & Chanterelle
    for Immunity and Well-being
    10 servings     (original price 15.70)

  3. GO TIRELESS Mushroom Coffee - With Cordyceps & Chanterelle
    for Endurance and Stamina
    10 servings    (original price 15.70)

  4. Gold Rose Spoon - stainless steel  
    FREE (original price 6.00€

  5. Premium guide - Get the most out of every cup of coffee forever 
    FREE (original price 14.70€)

  6. Handbook - Top 20 coffee recipes in 2024.
    FREE (original price 7.70€)


Prikaži sve pojedinosti


Does Mushroom Cups coffee contain coffee/caffeine?

Yes. Mushroom Cups coffee contains coffee. One serving has 66mg of caffeine which is around 50% less than regular coffee.

What does it taste like?

Mushroom Cups uses A grade Arabica coffee from Peruvian higlands, and we think it tastes delicious. If you disagree we will give you your money back. P.s. you wont be able to taste the mushrooms!

When will I feel the difference in my energy and focus?

Some people feel the difference right away, but we suggest taking our mushroom coffee for 30 days in the row for guaranteed effect!

What if I have sensitive stomach?

Mushroom Cups coffee and cocoa are extremely easy to digest. We have huge customer base of people who had problems digesting regular coffee but found Mushroom Cups coffee as a perfect alternative that caused no issues!

Are Mushroom Cups products safe?

Mushroom Cups products are produced in the EU and follow strict food safety protocols and rigorous quality controls at every stage of production, to ensure you receive a high-quality, safe product every time.

Go Glow and Go Tireless belong to the food-supplement category and they are not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
Warning: Consult your physician before use if you have a medical condition, or are taking any medication.

Money-Back Guarantee

Either you are satisfied or you get your money back.

Taste of organic Arabica coffee

Taste of organic Arabica coffee

Calm energizing feeling for hours

Calm energising feeling lasting for hours

No stomach ache or jitters

No stomach ache or jitters

Reach out to us for any refunds.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Anamarija R.
Starter paket

Odlučila sam se probati ovu kavu jer mi se od "normalne" kave, već nakon par gutljeva, počinjalo vrtjeti i bilo bi mi loše. A kavu moram piti jer sam inače pospana cijeli dan. (Probala sam mjesec dana bez kave, neću li se odviknuti od kofeina i umora, ali nije bilo uspješno.) I tako sam uzela starter paket sa sve 3 vrste kave da sve isprobam. Moram priznati da sam se jako ugodno iznenadila jer nisam mogla vjerovati da mi neće biti loše, a da će mi dati energiju! najviše mi se čini da mi Go glow! da najviše energije, što me začudilo nekako jer sam to očekivala od ove druge dvije...nemam pojma, uglavnom, to je moje iskustvo. Naručit ću opet :)

Ivica Borić
"A Unique Blend of Flavor and Wellness: Mushroomcup Coffee Review"

Mushroomcup coffee is a true discovery for anyone looking for something different! It perfectly combines the rich taste of coffee with the benefits of mushrooms . What impressed me the most is that with every sip, I not only enjoy an excellent flavor but also feel an extra boost of energy and focus, without the usual "caffeine crash" later on. The coffee is smooth, mild, and not too bitter. It's an ideal choice for those seeking a healthier alternative to traditional coffee.


fino, ukusno i podiže :)

Danica Đuzel
Kava s gljivama

Super... Lagana za želudac.... Ukusna bez ikakvih dodataka...

Danica D.
Kava z gobami

Odlično... Lahko za želodec... Okusno brez dodatkov...