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Mushroom Cups

Go Glow – organic instant coffee with Chaga and Chanterelle

Go Glow – organic instant coffee with Chaga and Chanterelle

Made to support your health and wellness goals.


✅ 100% guaranteed 30-day money back

What is in the package?

Go Glow - energizing mushroom coffee with Chaga & Chanterelle  
for Immunity and Well-being (10 servings)
1 serving contains: 

  • Organic Coffee - 2200 mg,
  • Organic Chaga dual extract - 400 mg
  • Wild Chanterelle dual extract - 400 mg


Organic Arabica Coffee

Our Arabica coffee, grows on organic farm on Peruvian highland.
High altitudes with low oxygen levels, prolong the maturing period of these coffee beans, gifting them exceptional quality and delicate taste.
2200mg per serving

Organic Chaga

a.k.a. the mushroom of immortality is a delightful cocktail of extraordinary, life-enhancing phytonutrients. The many benefits include:

  • protecting against premature aging and age-related memory loss
  • rich in melanin – the main pigment present in our skin and hair responsible for keeping its beauty and suppleness
  • neutralizing cell damage by free radicals
  • extraordinary effective in empowering your immune system (50% beta-glucan content)

400mg per serving

Wild mediterranean Chanterelle

Collected by professional mushroom hunters in pristine Mediterranean forests. 

Responsible for: 

  • converting food into energy 
  • serotonin production 

Chanterelles are an indispensable ingredient giving you the right amount of energy and helping you stay productive while keeping you in a good mood for hours. 

400mg per serving


Go Glow 

Dodatak prehrani na bazi gljiva.

Sastojci: Organska instant kava u prahu*, dvostruki ekstrakt Lisičarki (Cantharellus Cibarius),

Dvostruki ekstrakt Chaga (Inonotus obliquus), čuvati na hladnom i suhom mjestu.

Neto Količina 30g (10 x 3g) / 90g (30 x 3 g) / 180g (60 x 3 g)


Mushroom Cups d.o.o. Marusinac 7, 21210 Solin, Croatia.

*Ne potječe iz EU

Najbolje upotrijebiti do otisnuto na ambalaži

Način primjene: 1-2 vrećice dnevno razmutiti u vrućoj vodi (70-80°C)

Dnevna doza (2 vrećice) sadrži: 400 mg ekstrakta Lisičarki i 400 mg ekstrakta Kordicepsa

Preporučene dnevne doze ne smiju se prekoračiti.

Dodatak prehrani nije nadomjestak ili zamjena uravnoteženoj prehrani.

Čuvati od dohvata male djece.

Prosječna hranjiva vrijednost na 100g

Energetska Vrijednost 

1517KJ/357 KCAL

Masti 0,7 g

Od kojih zasićene masne kiseline  0,3 g

Ugljikohidrati 72,2 g

Od kojih šećeri < 0,5 g

Bjelančevine 15,3 g

Sol 0,36 g

Upozorenje: Osobe koje uzimaju lijekove trebaju se prije uzimanja posavjetovati s liječnikom.

Ne preporučuje se trudnicama i dojiljama.

Prikaži sve pojedinosti


Does Mushroom Cups coffee contain coffee/caffeine?

Yes. Mushroom Cups coffee contains coffee. One serving has 66mg of caffeine which is around 50% less than regular coffee.

What does it taste like?

Mushroom Cups uses A grade Arabica coffee from Peruvian higlands, and we think it tastes delicious. If you disagree we will give you your money back. P.s. you wont be able to taste the mushrooms!

When will I feel the difference in my energy and focus?

Some people feel the difference right away, but we suggest taking our mushroom coffee for 30 days in the row for guaranteed effect!

What if I have sensitive stomach?

Mushroom Cups coffee and cocoa are extremely easy to digest. We have huge customer base of people who had problems digesting regular coffee but found Mushroom Cups coffee as a perfect alternative that caused no issues!

Are Mushroom Cups products safe?

Mushroom Cups products are produced in the EU and follow strict food safety protocols and rigorous quality controls at every stage of production, to ensure you receive a high-quality, safe product every time.

Go Glow and Go Tireless belong to the food-supplement category and they are not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
Warning: Consult your physician before use if you have a medical condition, or are taking any medication.

Money-Back Guarantee

Either you are satisfied or you get your money back.

Taste of organic Arabica coffee

Taste of organic Arabica coffee

Calm energizing feeling for hours

Calm energising feeling lasting for hours

No stomach ache or jitters

No stomach ache or jitters

Reach out to us for any refunds.

Customer Reviews

Based on 124 reviews
Ana Miloš

Okus kave je odlican! Za razliku od drugih kava s gljivama koje sam probala. Odavno nisam pronasla kavu tako dobrog okusa,.Pola vrecice zadovoljava cjelodnevnu potrebu za kavom 👌

Val Maria La Fay

Naručit ću opet/bilo bi lijepo da je malo jeftinije..pišite hrvatski-u Hrvatskoj smo

Laura Bezić Burica
Ima dosta kiseo okus instat kave

Ima dosta kiseo okus instat kave

Anja Šušak Kuburić
Go Glow

Fenomenalna kava. Nakon nje cili dan osjećaj dobar i lagan. Svaka preporuka!!!

Marija Kuzman Milićević

Go Glow – organic instant coffee with Chaga and Chanterelle