Top 5 recipes - Mushroom Coffee


 Simple Mushroom Coffee (30 sec)


  • 1 Mushroom Infused coffee sachet (Go Glow, Go Sharp or Go Tireless)
  • ½ cup Water (150 ml)
  • ¼  cup Milk (50 ml) (alpine, oat, soy or other of your choosing)- optional
  • 1 teaspoon of (brown) sugar or honey


  1. Preheat water to 70 - 80 degrees Celsius (158 - 176 Fahrenheit) -You can let water boil and than let it cool for 4 minutes to achieve the required temperature.
  2. Put Mushroom coffee powder in the cup with the sugar and pour hot water over it. 
  3. Add Milk 

 Iced mushroom Coffee (60 sec) 

  • ¼ cup Water (65 ml)
  • ½ cup Milk (125 ml)
  • ½ cup Ice Cubes 
  • 1 Mushroom Infused coffee sachet (Go Glow, Go Sharp or Go Tireless)
  • ½ - 1 teaspoons of (brown) sugar based on your taste preferences


  1. Put all ingredients in a blender and blend for a few seconds (the longer you blend ticker the foam will be).
  2. Put some ice cubes in the glass and pour the mixture in it.
  3. Enjoy!

 Shaken Cappuccino


  • 1 Mushroom Infused Coffee sachet (Go Glow, Go Sharp or Go Tireless)
  • ½ cup Water (150 ml)
  • ¼  cup Milk (50 ml)


  1. Prepare instant coffee with hot water as you normally would, but leave enough space for the amount of foamy milk you'd like to have.
  2. Heat the milk up, but make sure to take it off the heat before boiling. 
  3. Put the milk in sealable container with the warm milk(no more than halfway so you can shake it well) , and give it a good shake for at least 20 seconds until it goes frothy.

  4. Pour the liquid part of milk into the instant coffee, and spoon the frothy part over the top 

Spiced latte


  • 1 Mushroom Infused Coffee sachet  (Go Glow, Go Sharp or Go Tireless)
  • 1 Mushroom Infused Cocoa sachet - Go Relax
  • 1 cup Milk(300 ml) - alpine, oat, soy...
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of (brown) sugar or honey or any other sweetener


  1. Put mushroom coffee, mushroom cocoa, pinch of nutmeg (1/8 of a teaspoon) pinch of cinnamon and sugar in the cup.
  2. Add a few teaspoons of milk to your powdered ingredients until it makes a paste-like consistency and mix it all together
  3. Heat up the rest of a mug of milk until it starts to bubble.
  4. Finally pour the milk into the paste and enjoy.

Irish Mushroom Coffee

  • ½ cup (150) ml water
  • 1 Mushroom Infused coffee sachet  (Go Glow, Go Sharp or Go Tireless)
  • ½ - 1 tablespoon (7-15 ml) whiskey
  • 1 teaspoons (brown) sugar
  • ¼  cup (50 ml) whipping cream
  1. Whip the cream
  2. Put whiskey and sugar into a cup and stir until sugar dissolves.
  3. Heat water to 75 degrees Celsius (170 Fahrenheit) and pour it over mushroom coffee in a separate cup so it dissolves.
  4. Pour the coffee into the cup with the whiskey.
  5. Let it cool for a few minutes and add whipped cream on top of the cup.

1 comment

  • magdalena

    kako pripremiti kavu? hvala

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