
Go Sharp - Specialty (filter) kava sa Lavljom Grivom i Lisičarkama

Poboljšaj učenje i koncentraciju

Standardna cijena €37,50 Uštedi €-37,50

30-Dnevno Jamstvo Povrata Novca

Za narudžbe iznad 40€ poštarina je besplatna!

Načini plaćanja: kreditne kartice (Visa, MasterCard i American Express), PayPal, Apple Pay i plaćanje pouzećem

Mute ti se misli?

Znanstvenici su otkrili da gljiva Lavlja Griva ima sposobnost poboljšanja kognitivne funkcije i pamćenja.

Dakle, ako tražiš podršku za svoje moždane vijuge, ova je kava savršena za tebe.

Naša Arabica kava je uzgojena organskoj farmi na peruanskoj visoravni, a da bi pojačali efekt Lavlje Grive u ovoj kombinaciji su dodane i Lisičarke koje su bogate esencijalnim vitamina i minerala. 


Kava obogaćena gljivama sastoji se od organske, Specialty peruanske kave koja djeluje kao stimulans, i super-food gljiva koje su snažni adaptogeni. U našim proizvodima nema šećera, konzervansa, ni aditiva. 
Kava i gljive, ništa drugo!


U jednoj kesici ima između oko 25 serviranja. 

Naše divlje mediteranske lisičarke sakupljaju profesionalni lovci na gljive u netaknutim mediteranskim šumama. 

Lisičarke imaju A+ nutritivnu vrijednost. 
Sadrže najvišu poznatu prirodnu koncentraciju vitamina D i B, i bogate su esencijalnih minerala kao što su željezo, bakar, kalij i mangan. Namjena lisičarki u kavi sa gljivama je: 

  • pretvorbu hrane u energiju 
  • proizvodnju serotonina 

400 mg po porciji

Sadrži dvije specifične bio-aktivne tvari hericerine i erinacine, koji nisu pronađeni ni u jednoj drugoj vrsti na planetu. 
Istraživanja su pokazala da radi ta 2 spoja konzumacija Lavlje Grive:

  • podržava funkciju mozga 
  • smanjuje depresiju i anksioznost 

400 mg po porciji

Koristimo Organsku Specialty Arabica kavu ugojenu na farmi sa peruanske visoravni. 

Velike nadmorske visine s niskim razinama kisika produljuju period sazrijevanja ovih zrnaca kave, zbog čega imaju povišenu razinu antioksidansa i blag okus. 

2200 mg po porciji

U jednoj kesici imaju 22-28 porcije.
Nisu, NE sadrže psilocibin i neće vas natjerati da halucinirate. Koristimo ljekovite gljive koje su dobre za vas i potpuno legalne.
Da, Go Glow, Go Tireless i Go Sharp sadrže organsku kavu.

Osjeti razliku ili vraćamo novac

Što ti točno garantiramo?

  1. Fini okus organske kave (gljive se ne osjete)
  2. Osjećat ćeš se dobro satima nakon konzumacije
  3. Neće te mučiti želudac makar ju popio natašte 

Ako zakažemo u ijednoj od te tri stvari javi nam se i vraćamo ti lovu natrag. 

Preporučena uporaba

Jednu jušnu žlicu Specialty kave sa gljivama stavite u spremnik filter aparata ili komplet za prelijevanje i izvršite standardnu proceduru pripreme.
Konzumirati 1 do 3 puta dnevno. 

Po potrebi dodajte mlijeko i zaslađivač kao što bi ste to učinili sa normalnom kavom. I uživajte!


Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Teresa Ellis
Love it

Really enjoy making a single serve pot just for me in the mornings. Tastes great and I feel awake. Would definitely recommend (and I have 😉)

Bartosz Iwaszczenko
The morning force of nature

I've purchased the coffee from the kickstarted campaign some time ago. I like to try new things and i stumbled upon this company by the form of accident as i was looking something to boost my activity in the morning throughout the day.

When i have received the coffee, i brew it with pour over to maximize the taste with the standard procedure for most coffees. I like my coffee without any special creamers or sugar.

The results were the smooth coffee taste with a hint of power boost, by the mushrooms in it. After drinking the cup, i was more focused and felt a little bit better than i would after normal coffee. You need to be advised dear reader that everyone have different body and can react differently.

I have been drinking this coffee on and off for productive work and recently drinking it everyday to supplement my ketogenic diet with adding fats and making bulletproof coffee, which i highly recommend drinking on as it doubles on the focus.

I will rate this coffee 5 stars, as it serves it purpose, have a great taste and mixes well with creamers, fats and other additives. Would recommend it on a high fat diet for extra focus. Recommended pour over method or filter machine or something that can accomodate grinded coffee.

Would be nice if a mushroom creamer or powder to mix with the coffee would be made by the company in the future :)

Hi Bartosz,

Thank you for taking the time to write such a through and helpful review.

It means a lot to me and the rest of Mushroom Cups team;

Warm regards,
Ana Mari

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Teresa Ellis
Love it

Really enjoy making a single serve pot just for me in the mornings. Tastes great and I feel awake. Would definitely recommend (and I have 😉)

Bartosz Iwaszczenko
The morning force of nature

I've purchased the coffee from the kickstarted campaign some time ago. I like to try new things and i stumbled upon this company by the form of accident as i was looking something to boost my activity in the morning throughout the day.

When i have received the coffee, i brew it with pour over to maximize the taste with the standard procedure for most coffees. I like my coffee without any special creamers or sugar.

The results were the smooth coffee taste with a hint of power boost, by the mushrooms in it. After drinking the cup, i was more focused and felt a little bit better than i would after normal coffee. You need to be advised dear reader that everyone have different body and can react differently.

I have been drinking this coffee on and off for productive work and recently drinking it everyday to supplement my ketogenic diet with adding fats and making bulletproof coffee, which i highly recommend drinking on as it doubles on the focus.

I will rate this coffee 5 stars, as it serves it purpose, have a great taste and mixes well with creamers, fats and other additives. Would recommend it on a high fat diet for extra focus. Recommended pour over method or filter machine or something that can accomodate grinded coffee.

Would be nice if a mushroom creamer or powder to mix with the coffee would be made by the company in the future :)

Hi Bartosz,

Thank you for taking the time to write such a through and helpful review.

It means a lot to me and the rest of Mushroom Cups team;

Warm regards,
Ana Mari