The caffeine in coffee acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system and helps to improve mental performance, especially alertness, attention, and concentration. It has also been used to control asthma, stop headaches and enhance mood.
Although very popular and widely used it doesn’t go without side effects. Mysterious adaptogens could be a perfect solution.
Caffeine boosts cortisol and adrenaline production which are both stress hormones. Because of it, excessive consumption of coffee can lead to accelerated heart rate, high blood pressure, and cell damage.
On the other hand, adaptogens normalize the production of hormones (especially stress-inducing ones). They also increase the body’s resistance to physical (heat, cold and exertion), chemical (toxins and heavy metals) and biological (bacteria and viruses) stress. What makes them special is that they help modulate the body’s stress response so that it does not overreact to everyday stress conditions which depletes cells of vital energy. Excess secretion of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol leads to a lot of damage to the body and total exhaustion.
Adaptogens help resist and adapt to the stress, restoring balance in the cardiovascular, immune and neuroendocrine system while causing minimal (if any) physiological disturbance, side effects or toxicity.
We designed our coffee blends keeping in mind these factors. This way you’re keeping all the benefits of coffee and adaptogens while avoiding negative side effects.

Adaptogens vs stimulants vs mushroom coffee illustrated
We’ve prepared a handy illustration of these effects. First, you can see how adaptogens bring some energy boost that drops slow and steady over time. Effects of stimulants (like caffeine) are much more drastic – this big boost comes with a hidden cost! Your body can’t be in a high alert state for long, and you will soon feel the exhaustion kicking in. Combining them, thanks to the power of adaptogens, results in a strong and steady boost for the best effect possible.